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Breathing Equipment 15
  • Breathing Equipment 15
Breathing Equipment 15

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Breathing Equipment 15" TFT Touch Screen Adult and Infant ICU Ventilator Machine

Model: CNME010402

Technical Parameters:

Ventilator Function


Non-invasive ventilation: NIV/CPAP+PSV, NIV/PCV

Tidal Volume: 20-2500 ml

Respiratory Rate: 1-120/min

Inspiration Time: 0.2-9 s

Inspiratory Pause Time: 0-4s

Tslope: 0-2s

Thigh: 0.2-30 s

Tlow: 0.2-30 s

FiO2: 21 %- 100%

PEEP: 0-50 omH2O

Psupport: 0-90omH2O

Pcontrol: 5-90omH2O

Esens: 5%-80%

Inspiratory hold: Yes

Expiratory hold: Yes

Manual inspiration: Yes

Waveform freeze: Yes

Nebulizer: 30 or 45 min.

Suction: Maximum 3 min.


Pressure values: Pmin, Pplat, Pmean, Ppeak, PEEP

Volume / flow values: VTi, VTe, MV, MVspont, Leak%

Time values: ftotal, fspont, l:E, To, Tispont

Oxygen monitoring: O2 sensor

Weaning parameters: dynamic and statio compliance, resistance, PEEPi, P0.1, RSBI, WOB


MV: High/low; Vti: High; Airway pressure: High/low; Continuous airway pressure: High;

PEEP: High/low; fspont: High; FiO2: High/low; EtCO2: High/low; Tapnea

Technical Data

Screen: 15" TFT color touch screen (detachable)

Dimension: 575X370X470 mm

Weight: 30kg

Gas supply: O2, Air, 200kPa-650kPa (29-94 PSI)

Power supply: 100- 240V, 50- 60 Hz .

Back-up battery: Built-in battery, optional 2nd internal battery

Communication interfaces: USB*2, RJ45*1, RS232*1, real-time VGA output

Temperature: 10- 40°C (Operation)

-20-60°C (Storage)

Ventilation Mode

Typical ventilation mode with BIVENT and PRVO, fully meet the demands of oratorical care mechanical ventilation


Waveform and loops display with powerful monitoring function gathers comprehensive patient information

Clinical Support

Complete manual interventiona include inspiratory and expiratory hold, manual ventilation, synchronized nebulizer and smart suction

Information Gathering Function

CNME010402 can be updated through Internet or USB ports

Efficient transport of patient information meets the need of digital hospital


15" TFT Touch Screen With Navigation Wheel

With a 15" TFT touch screen and a simple intuitive interface, the user can easily complete the entire operation

Guide-way Operation

Guide-way operation function boots the operation efficiency and patient safety

Advanced Pneumatic System

The unique Ventank pneumatio system ensures the accuracy of oxygen and gas delivery

Exhalation Valve

Metal made Autoclavable exhalation valve with built-in flow sensor fulfills the needs of low maintenance cost


Invasive Ventilation

Provide proper mechanical ventilation support with lung protective ventilation strategies

ATC reduce the resistance caused by either endotracheal tube or tracheotomy tube, lowers patient work of breathing

Bivent mode provides two levels of continuous positive airway pressure(OPAP} with pressure support breaths, suitable for more types of patient

Non-invasive Ventilation

Proper use of NIV decrease the need for intubation reduces the patient weaning time

CNME010402 includes NIV ventilation as a standard feature. Users have the flexibility to use CNME010402 for both invasive and non-invasive therapy to reduce equipment costs


3 waveforms and 3 loops

Alarm/Event records description of each alarm and provides information of any changes of settings. Trend function provides 72h of full patient data. Convenient for information search and shift management

Lung Mechanics

Measures static compliance, air resistance, PEEPi, P0.1 and time constant to help the doctor evaluate treatment outcome

Thoughtful Configure Solution

Depending on ICU environment, CNME010402 can be equipped with air compressor on mobile cart and ceiling pendant

The design of integrated power supply solution with circuit breaker provides more protection of the ventilator, air compressor and humidifier

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